I looked all over the city of Shittaco turday for a Wii. No dice.

I did however, sample just about every large retailer in town. Here's my review of each place I visited with a quick Make-It-Dirty thrown in for good measure,
Breast Boobs (Best Buy) on Clark near Diversey: B
Was able to find out there were no Wiis right away. Then sampled Sonic on Xbox 360 in crisp 1080i HD (pretty!). Sonic was fun for a few weeks in '92. Then, it turns out the franchise just really isn't fun. I mean, at all.
Tits Flop (Game Stop) on Clark across from Breast Boobs: A+
This is my favorite gaming store in Shittaco. I mean, its a complete nerd fest and I love it. There's also a big ol' cranky dyke with a mohawk. "We're out of Wiis faggot" was a little harsh I thought.
Wet Fart (K-Mart) Wicker Park: F
When did K-mart turn into Big Lots? This place is a shitty dump. No Wii for jews. Or cheese for that matter.
Wet Vagina (Costco) on Damen: F-
Holy shit you guys I've never been to a Costco. Everything is so big. People, I like Oreos too, but you really don't need 8 millon pound box, fat ass. Put down the cookie. PUT. IT. DOWN. Good, now go out for a walk thunder thighs.