Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
PNS Explosion Book Club Pick

We are so excited to share this wonderful book with our listeners.
Some of things you will learn:
-How to pick a shank of lamb clean off its bone in one breath.
-How to milk corporations and other businesses to pay for your wedding.
-How to marry a gay man and make it legal.
Run, don't walk, to pick up this classic. Cuz Star is your mo fo!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I have a bad case of the ProjRuns.

I'm noticing a disturbing trend in the editing where they make something look all dramatic and crazy, and then you find out later that it wasn't really anything (i.e. where they made it look like Craptino was "caught" making fun of TimG). Boo! we like you ProjRun because you don't do those kind of things. Just be yourself.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Joy Behar
I just went up to the guy who has the little food store in my building (AKA-- the Little Man) and I got some dorritos.. I mean um, er, an orange. The Little Man likes The View. When I got up there, Joy Behar was flapping her yap box like no one's biz. Seriously, could this woman be more shrill? She sounds like a leaf blower.

Monday, February 20, 2006
Sunday, February 19, 2006
P and S went out with some friends on Friday. We went out for drinks at minibar and headed over to Caesar's for Mexican. Oh, and we had some food too!
The pics were taken by David J.
The pics were taken by David J.

Annie just realized that Patrick ripped one.
John [owner of minibar] and Patrick
David and Andy -- In Love?

Scott and David J
Rob checking out some of the local scenery.

Like Oh My God What! Ohmygodbecky!
The star of the show!