PNS Explosion Book Club Pick

We are so excited to share this wonderful book with our listeners.
Some of things you will learn:
-How to pick a shank of lamb clean off its bone in one breath.
-How to milk corporations and other businesses to pay for your wedding.
-How to marry a gay man and make it legal.
Run, don't walk, to pick up this classic. Cuz Star is your mo fo!
My favorite chapters:
Ch. 6 Not With My Man You Diin't
Ch. 11 Those Bitches At Work
Ch. 42 Eat Babies & Lose Weight!
Jesus! I haven't read something THIS juicy since Tia Carrera's tell-all autobiography, Do You Take Suger in Your Tia?
I'm looking forward to the companion book by her husband, "Star Jones' Closet: Home Sweet Home."
*visualizes the starjones inhaling the lamb shank* lolololz ! xD ugh.
It would be mensies. I mean messy.
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