Joy Behar
I just went up to the guy who has the little food store in my building (AKA-- the Little Man) and I got some dorritos.. I mean um, er, an orange. The Little Man likes The View. When I got up there, Joy Behar was flapping her yap box like no one's biz. Seriously, could this woman be more shrill? She sounds like a leaf blower.

she deserves a fatwah.
Just seeing that "shit-eating" grin makes me giggle.
She is rough and not in the good way.
You guys don't know what you're talking about. She's the best cunt on The View since Debbie Metenapholissnopholfagus left.
Her voice could peel paint but it not half as bad as Gloria Alred. That evil cunt makes my skin crawl.
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