Ray-ray: Chop and drop your way into my heart.
Ok, so we all have a lot to discuss about Rachel Ray. I think I'm in the minority here, but I really like her. Sure sure, She has a really annoying laugh. she tips 15% on her 40 dollars a day show. She would be fucked without chicken broth in a box. And lets not forget her really really annoying laugh.

Cleaning dishes and junk makes me horny and stuff
That all said, I really love her! My jaw drops at least twice during a given show because she is so incredibly retarded. She says some of the most rediculous, wierd things such as "a garbage bowl is a girl's best friend", and "abbreviates" olive oil by saying "EEEVEE-OH-OH extra virgin olive oil" all without any irony. There's something about her that is really compelling, and i think its because she is probably exactly as she presents herself on TV. She keeps it real yo; she acts and says things that are retarded because she IS retarded. I have to love her for that.

Cleaning dishes and junk makes me horny and stuff
That all said, I really love her! My jaw drops at least twice during a given show because she is so incredibly retarded. She says some of the most rediculous, wierd things such as "a garbage bowl is a girl's best friend", and "abbreviates" olive oil by saying "EEEVEE-OH-OH extra virgin olive oil" all without any irony. There's something about her that is really compelling, and i think its because she is probably exactly as she presents herself on TV. She keeps it real yo; she acts and says things that are retarded because she IS retarded. I have to love her for that.
TiVo ruined Rachael Ray for me. If I only saw her every now and then, I would adore her. But back when 30 Minute Meals started, I seasoned pass that sucker and would get like 47 episodes a week on the TiVo. And if it's on the TiVo, YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT. It's the rule.
So I OD'd. And she soon became a church rummage sale of stupid catch phrases. (Yum-o! Carrot overboard! Dee-lish!)
And the EVOO thing is *extra* lame because she always follows it by saying "extra virgin olive oil". That's not abbreviating, Rachael!!
Huh. Didn't know I had all that in me on this topic. Sorry about that. As you were.
You know that guy Tony Bourdain from "A Cooks Tour"?
he hates rachael ray.
Somewhere, there's an article where he bashes her for having no talent & trying to take over Food Network & related shizz.
haha I say "ee vee oh oh."
kinda like Wanda Wisdom made me say "progrum."
ugh. baghghhghnng.g.
i bet she gives good bj's.
she sure does!
I love, Love, LOVE Racheal Ray... I Love 30 Minutes Meal, 40 Bucks a day, and travel tip show she is doing. She just did one for Portland, Oregon, where I live right now. I cannot get enough of her. She is new gay Hug... wait... she is married.
I personally like her BJer voice.
I find myself watching her - but pretty much want to hit her in the face with a garbage bowl.
I just watched her "hold the Mayo" episode.
And her intro before she actually got behind the counter made me howl. She was gesturing every 3rd word with total thumb-to-the-chest-"dis guy" kind of movements. It looked like a Children's Theatre production or a used car salesmen.
And really Rachel? No more stories about your family. They sound like dirty castoffs from the Sopranos.
yet I watch her
Ja-Heezus....! I never thought of Sieving My Spooge, but hell, if Rachel can do it (and drip it down her thigh), perhaps I should try that new fetish.
I can't tell you how many times I have had conversations regarding this post.
Unfortunately, the bitch once made this awesome one-pot chicken-n-biscuits dish, and I have been afraid to make her dead to me ever since, even though her mannerisms and vernacular are vomit inducing.
P.S. Word to hating the EVOO - what a retarded acronym. Why doesn't she say GB for the Garbage Bowl? Now that's a savings.
I find myself unable to turn away when I watch her. She always seems like she's juuust about to go over the edge, but she doesn't, and instead goes right back to making her lo-mein using spaghetti (like, are you serious?)
I loathe Rachael Ray. Her voice is like nails on the chalkboard to me. I literally stab at the tivo remote when she is on. And the god damn thing tries to record her all the time because I record so many Food Network shows. Her laugh...and those horse teeth! Put a feed bag on her quick!!
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