Gay Games Opening Ceremonies

I went to the Gay Games Opening Ceremonies on Saturday. And I hate to say it -- but I was underwhelmed. For a ceremony planned by GLBT's for GLBT's, it was definitely not FABULOUS.
It clocked in at 4.5 hours. The celebs they had -- Megan Mullally, Margaret Cho, et. al. - were only on stage for moments. Megan Mullally literally read from a piece of paper. They had a ton of "talking heads" present awards and give speeches. Nobody gives a shit about the Exec Director or those types of people. Sorry, but it is true.
The best part -- seeing the thousands of athletes take the field. It was spectacular. And seeing that Jody Watley was still alive.
Did anyone else go? What are your thoughts?
I love watersports.
I was unable to attend (had to work) and at first I was all like :-( but then I heard from everyone I know who went that it was totally lame so then I was all like :-]
were the athletes shirtless? pantsless?
I didn't go to the opening ceremony of the Gay Games when it was here in Sydney. I have been to many launches for the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. They are usually a lot of speeches from people representing something. Even so, they used to be really good because you were sitting on the steps of the Sydney Opera House with all these other gay people. They are no longer there but in a park. I no longer go.
How come Stewie from Family Guy is representing the Gay Games?
We were underwhelmed as well. Thank God I got a free ticket. The moment we knew it was time to pull a houdini was at the end of StaceyAnn Chin's delightful and uplifting poem. We were in desperate need of a bathtub full of warm water and a pack of razor blades.
i am shocked and appalled...
that u did not know that jody watley is still alive. what kind of homo are u? lol. these has beens only have "careers" anymore because of us fags. who do u think still buys their flop albums :)
I volunteered. I was one of the people who sectioned off the athletes on the field into rainbow stripes.
Pluses: Stacyanne Chin was (unintentionally) hilarious. I liked Margaret Cho and Andy Bell, too.
Minuses: too many speeches. And all those dance numbers with the Cirque Du Sogay guy were ridiculous.
When I was backstage Jody Watley passed by our station. The black trannies I was working with went nuts over her.
I agree - the highlights for me were seeing the Athletes on the field with the gay glowsticks. Fun times.
The best though was the mayor's speach. We need more political types to start talking like that and actually mean it.
That poem ... I will never forget that peom ... it comes to me in my sleep. My face is twitching just thinking about it.
I went, and I totally agree. It was ridiculously long. After the fifth person got up on stage to sing some horrid song they wrote especially for the occassion, I started to wonder why I wasn't asked to write a song and sing it. Seeing as how they'd let any bumfuck idiot get up there, why not me?
And while I'm on that subject... Holly Near needs to die. DIE. She is a nasty fat lesbian and can't sing worth a shit.
HOLD. THE. PHONE. Jody What-the-fuck-ley was there? And a crazy gay acrobat routine? Now I'm livid. THat shit should have been FIRST. StaceyAnn dead last. Or just deadzies.
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