It is Xmas time. And you know what that means. People giving you baskets full of SHIT. They always have the requisite holiday stuff: chocolates, crackers, nuts (honk), hickory farm sausage (double honk).
They are kind of gross and a waste of food and wicker - IMO. But I guess I could be an A-hole.
yeah we have so much food that nobody wants and we just keep getting more. although we did send a few baskets out, so maybe it's karma.
here's an idea - give the food away to someone who needs it - a hungry homeless person maybe? - and then you can go home and have a bouillon cube and feel alls christmassy! and skinny!
No Patrick, you're NOT an A-hole. They are a big, fat, annoying waste if money and food. Happy Hollidays!
i actually have lived for a week on one of those baskets actually lol
wow i actually said actualy twice oh i did it again.
how derrr u hate on the fruitbaskets.
i read the Harry & David catalogue just to slather over the juicy pearz & meatz
& those red, chocolate-covered cherries are soooooo good.
Every year, for the past 18 years, my great aunt has sent us the same fucking cheese platter. She's getting on in her years, but I swear that woman's going to be sending us cheeses from beyond the grave.
Much like Cartman, I definitely look forward to my annual Swiss Colony Beef Log.
It's true, I mean how much HAVARTI does one person need?
Even though food baskets can be gross, NOTHING is worse than the generic girly gift of a basket of shit from Bath & Body Works... and you know I'm right.
I would prefer one of those boxes of citrus from Florida. It costs the same and won't give you or your children Type 2 Diabetes (or Dia-bee-dus, as our dear friend Wilford used to say...)
Happy Fat Holidays Gift Basket Bequeethers!
Your fruit basket, Dear
Not quite as I expected
No ANAL EASE next year
I want a BIG BASKET! I'm unsubscribing!
I hate Harry and David. That crap (Moose Munch) (honk!) makes you fat. Like Rascal Fat. BAD. BAD. BAD.
if u ignore the "summer sausage" & choose to binge on the Moose Munch instead, u won't get fat.
Barb! Where are your bars? Oh Barb!
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