Wednesday, October 18, 2006
- Do You Think She'll Get Paid in RingDings
- Make Sure You Do a Courtesy Flush
- Her First Name A'int Baby, It's Angie. Miss Lansbu...
- BOOMTACULAR EXCLUSIVE: 1st Photo of Madonna's New ...
- Beat on it Delilah!
- Tara Reid Comes Clean About Botched Plastic Surgery
- Extra! Extra!
- I Heart CamelToads!
- BREAKING NEWS: Google Buys PNS Explosion/Boomtacul...
- 5th Annual "I've Seen Better Days" Award Goes To:
And I love that he is trying to get arrested and he can't. They won't let him shop.
If his pants were pulled up any higher he wouldn't even need the shirt.
did we call it patrick, or did we call it.
word up to any other mascarading child murderers - we'll call you out, bitches!
er, masquerading, rather. :)
i think they both work in this situation.
lol belt at the ribcage
love it
*vomits quietly*
Who buttons the top button anyway......?
It looks like he's trying smuggle something in there... I think we've found jon bennett ramsey's body everyone.
He looks like an ad campaign for the great state of florida. Our most f#cked up state.
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