Thursday, October 12, 2006
- BREAKING NEWS: Google Buys PNS Explosion/Boomtacul...
- 5th Annual "I've Seen Better Days" Award Goes To:
- Google "Santorum"
- NYC Club Kids v.2
- All Over My Face
- This is what is on my bed-side table...
- Is That A Taepo-Dong in Your Pocket Or Are You Jus...
- The Mirror Has Two Potty-Mouths
- for all you faguettes out there who like Tori
- Can we get assistance in row number 1 for toilet s...
leave it to lezzzzzzlie to clear up the camel toe conundrum.
...and how i remember the days of yore, hunting for camel toads at the local, public pool.
those were the days.
OMG, what a fucking moron.
Should I alert the local authorities about smoking camel toads?
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