DAMN [Shaniqua] those artificial flavors are good
I friggin' LOVE Wonka's Stretchy & Tangy Laffy Taffy (esPECIALLY Sammy Strawberry)! AND they have the BEST jokes!
So if YOU'RE so effing smart, answer me THESE three questions....

1. What do a referee and the seven dwarfs have in common?
2. If April showers bring May flowers then what do May flowers bring?
3. What do you call a cow that doesn't give milk?
So if YOU'RE so effing smart, answer me THESE three questions....

1. What do a referee and the seven dwarfs have in common?
2. If April showers bring May flowers then what do May flowers bring?
3. What do you call a cow that doesn't give milk?
1. Snow White Gang-Bang
2. Anal Warts
3. A Prude
3. AIDScow
You're right! They're hysterical!
1) they all are into golden showers
2) my ass
3) milk dud.
3 is the only one i took the time to figger out.
~generic buzzer sound~
oooo adam you are on the right track with #3, but not quite what i am looking for.
as for the rest of the guesses thus far, commendable efforts but i am afraid i cannot accept cuss words, diseases, sexual acts nor anything relating to the area in or around the anus.
keep trying. the winner gets to play with my butt.
1) They both whistle while they work? (not sure on that one)
2) Pilgrims, duh!
3) Ground Beef
1.both work in the minor leagues
2.mayflowers bring pilgrims
3.an udder failure
I'm a bit shaky on that first one, put i think i should still get to play with you butt.
wtf laffytaffy is heinous.
if u suck on it too long, it bleaches out, loses it's falvor 7 trh;lkjad;klfj;dfkl\
1. whisles
3. fail
i don't feel like answering the questions, can i play with your hot ass anyway?
1. little cocks
2. fertilizer
3. a DOHvine
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