Even My Rascal Thinks You're Straight

I stole this pic from DListed. It is sooo ridiculous. And not cuz of the girl in the wheelchair - which is usually where I would take the joke. But cuz of Clay. He is so yucky poos.
I could give a rats-ass if he comes out or not. I am so tie-tie of his PR people's spin of him as great guy.
Look at his hand in this photo -- what is he doing?
ew why is he trying to look .. dainty ..
ew and why is he squatting on a table ...
not a fan.
Someone needs to kick him in his boy cooter...
Oh my god. Do you think he has an aide squirt purell in his hands after each signing?
I hate him so much! I don't care if he is a cocksucker or a cunt muncher. His taste in music is evil. He looks like Howdy Doody in a really bad rug. And what is with the Marshalls suit he is wearing everywhere now?
Shut your ass-eating mouth Gayken! Shut it before Rosie O'donnel adopts you!
I love her hat, it's so Blossom!
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