This is from a listener - Shawn. And this is his interpretation of Munch Bot.
Shawn writes:
"Yeah I know he could be rechargable battery operated, but lesbians wouldn't buy it if it didn't have one of those giant greasy-ass yellow plugs that you find on powertools."Well-played, Shawn.
Can you put up an .mp3 of munchbot? I think it would be a great cell phone text message notifier. Many thanks...
What's it munching?
Why not photoshop one of those large breasted women into the photo?
kind of scary...thank god I don't have a box for it to munch
It needs to vibrate as well - and a car battery in case of power outages.
Maybe it could shoot tampons out of little missile launchers - this could be the Christmas toy of the century.
I'm sorry. My brain completely shut down after "greasy-ass yellow plug."
Oh, thats frickin cute! I love this! It doesn't look to welcoming...
Ooops, till I saw it in writing, I thought it was Munch _Box_ ^_^
Less Box-on-box action than I thought!
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