A PNS Explosion Sammy!

This pic was taken by Chad -- the guy who is filming a documentary about gay podcasters. It was a treat to have him in town. You may have heard us mention him on the show.
It was a hot day and we are all schvitzing (and not in the good way.)
This shot was taken on Noah's balcony -- where we have been taping this summer. And by taping, I mean making shit sammies on ciabatta.
Yay! A posting without monster boobs!
i think we might have gotten the monster boobs out of our system.
you guys look fantastic. if some PR firm can't sell you to America it will be a cryin' shame!
continue to love you guys, and the show.
see you in chi-town in october!
dk, is that chi-town or chi-chi-town?
The three of jews are adorable, keep the shit sammies commin!
is that an O.B. or a Playtex Pearl you've got there?
Looks like a daisy chain going on
I think I recognize some of those faces from the Unicorn!
noah makes my heart go tha thump tha thump thump!
Now people in your area can look for the buildings in the background and find your apartment... I think you should be conserned...
three hot white boys, i'll take two of each.
much luv you guys
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