My hot ass new bike
My beloved Lotus, cleverly named Loti, was stolen two weeks ago. She was a huge road bike with a butted steal frame, and was dated to be about my age, 28. She was my everything and I was SO sad when she was stolen.
Sad, until I met this:

My new kick ass Fuji Del Rey circa '84. I had it converted to a single speed (what couriors do; you can back peddle, but it does away with shifting and looks minimal and awesome). So, the Lotus looks like a filthy whore compared to this puppy. She is so light and nimble and quick.
I need to think of a name though. I already came up with Charlotte Del Rey, but she needs a hotter name than that. Any ideas?
Sad, until I met this:

My new kick ass Fuji Del Rey circa '84. I had it converted to a single speed (what couriors do; you can back peddle, but it does away with shifting and looks minimal and awesome). So, the Lotus looks like a filthy whore compared to this puppy. She is so light and nimble and quick.
I need to think of a name though. I already came up with Charlotte Del Rey, but she needs a hotter name than that. Any ideas?
Howzabout something like Jordan Juggs?
Or Rey-A Perlman
Mandy Patinkin
Tootie? Blair? Natalie? Jo? Geri? Oh wait! Of has to be Edna!
Shannon. As in Del Shannon.
The Buttslut Bomber
What about "Ms.Fuji" like the GLOW wrestler, Mount Fuji?
nice bike noahhh!!! I just got mine tuned up. going to the cape this weekend to ride the Rail Trail :-)
Cha Cha DeGregorio
Oh I like that last one...that has my vote!
I also vote for Cha Cha
Something out of antiquity... like, because its from the 80s you know?
Tea he.
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