Fine, You're Straight. If you want us to believe it that badly...

Did anyone see the interview of Tom Cruise with Diane Sawyer on Friday? It wasn't anything like his fiascos on the Today Show or Oprah's show, but it was still ridiculous.
It actually started with him flying Diane Sawyer in his plane. On the nose of the plane was written: "Kiss Me Kate." BARF!
They land and put the plane in a hangar and do the interview in front of the f'ing plane. So we have to see "Kiss Me Kate" for the whole friggin interview.
Ok, Tom. You win. You're straight. You love her so much you put her name on a plane. Fooled us. We were wrong. You were right. You love vaginas, you really, really love vaginas.
A side note - Diane's lighting was out of this world. She almost looked like she was in heaven.
I sat up close to Diane Sawyer. What is left of her, anyway. I'm convinced the rest of her is in Heaven already, along with the bodily dumpings of Joan Rivers, Kenny Rogers and that crazy Cat Lady from New York.
And Tom=gay. I mean, come on, his hetero love plastered on the plane is from a musical. By Cole Porter. Big, fat, raging closet-case. It's a cry for help!
i smell something that is for sure.
and it ain't pretty.
That's just the shoop shoop spray, Patrick. After awhile, it sort of smells like backed up industrial toilet.
It's a lovely picture of two very, very creepy people.
What if it got worse? MUCH MUCH worse: According to the Sun, Cruise plans on eating the placenta
well... I think they look pretty... just me.
I agree, it is a beautiful photo. Too bad those two are in it.
And I think Tom loves Katie as much as he loves the mother of his child. One she has weened the baby, he will kick her out.
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