Pat got me on a moomoo tip.
This clip brings a smile to my face. She's just so effortless and breezy when she hits those insane notes. And all the people backing her up are having so much fun and so amazing (check out David Cole on the piano). I feel like I do when I watch the Body Electric number from Fame.
I still love mimi now

But there was something so optimistic about her back in the early 90s.
This clip brings a smile to my face. She's just so effortless and breezy when she hits those insane notes. And all the people backing her up are having so much fun and so amazing (check out David Cole on the piano). I feel like I do when I watch the Body Electric number from Fame.
I still love mimi now

But there was something so optimistic about her back in the early 90s.
I couldn't have said it better emerson. I loved her back in the day. Her low range is amazing, but she never uses it anymore. I thought she was gonna make her comeback with glitter though. Who would have thought it would bomb so bad?
god damn, those high notes are amazing.
i half expect a dolphin to leap on stage when she hits them.
Don't nobody say nuthin' bad 'bout Mimi, ya hear? The poor thing is likely to slit her wrists again over any bad publicity.
(AlthoughI agree with emerson, et al).
Oh, and LOVE the hoochie bikini-top in this pict. It's like dat ya'll.
Like a cab on commission y'all need to get up and get out of here
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