Congrats on Your 1,000 Posts from Della Reese

Hey Babies, I am so proud of you and the work you are doing on this blog. Congrats on your 1,000 posts.
Sweet chil', I am so excited, I am gonna eat 6 Cornish Game Hens in honor of your hard work.
Labels: touched by a diabetic angel
Are ya'll gonna let her use your one-touch? Not like you got around to use it! Touched by an uncle was one of my favorite shows way back when.
would you share a needle (lancet) with Della Reese?
Mucho congrats ya'll!
something about della reese's pieces makes me laugh hysterically when i see / hear her. maybe it's because she ate louis armstrong all those years ago and he's still trapped inside.
or maybe it's because i think underneath her flowing robe-like outfits is 4 underprivileged african children
I like how she's holding an imaginary cock.
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