Why Does The Sight of the PuzzyCatDolls Make Me Want to Get My Hep Shots Updated?

I am loathe to admit it, but I think I have one or two of their songs on my Ipod. Their music is infectious (is that a word) and breezy.
But the sight of them yucks me out. They look like hoo-hoo. And they all look like VD on legs. Why are they famous? Why do they get mag covers? And why won't anyone love me (whoops, that one just slipped in by accident.)
Ugh... the blonde one on the left looks like someone fished her out of a clogged drain.
I think they may all be men, the red head is for sure..."Don't you wish your trannie was hot like me?"
Ill love you, Pat.
$50 to whoever can name even 3 of them.
They look like hollywood guttertrash! You see those bitchnitchnes walking down my street at all hours of the evening and you can hear those horsehoof heels 24 7.
i only know nicole (the lead singer) because she was in eden's crush. if only i knew 2 more....
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