Sweetest Thing

I know that this is a bad bad movie. But I just can't keep my eyes off of it. It tries so hard to be a slapstick gross-out movie with warmth a la Farelly Brothers, but tanks. Hard. The girls look like they were having so much fun though (and WHY isn't Christina Applegate in more movies??) that its really difficult not to smile while watching.
Also? Parker Posey isn't really annoying in it.
I wholeheartedly agree. It is a total shit sammy. But there are enough moments in it that make it delightful.
It is too big to fit in HERE (i am pointing to my mouth)
C. A. is not it more movies because she is a talentless, annoying, vapid hack who couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Someone needs to shit on her.
I love this movie and I cannot explain why. Perhaps it's the impromptu musical number.
and Parker Posey is ALWAYS wunnerful.
i adore this movie.
you can tell they had a blast making it. i think it's just fun and full of great 1-liners.
"you know, i did leave some ass in the back."
Christuna is a gem. I'd watch her shovel shit into a sammy.
The Japanese Musical Number is also a pure delight. I actually downloaded the song (Too Big To Fit In Here) on my iPod.
You can buy it from iTunes for three cents.
Anything with Parker Posey in it is wonderful.
One of my favorite scenes in this movie is when the dry cleaner guy tastes the cum stain on Selma Blair's dress to try to identify it...fabu!
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