I got a glimpse of her rider. Here are some of her requests:
-Bottomless bucket of KFC
-Yoo Hoo
-Bartels and James wine coolers (preferably Raspberry Rain)
-No one to look her in the eyes (Brown Eye or Pink Eye)
-Wet Wipes
-lots of plates
-Cheese Puffs
What else do you think she has in the rider?
Wynona Ryder.
Everyone must bring blow dryers for her stupid ass hair.
She also requested all the backup dancers from the movie "Showgirls"
visions of love
Strawberry Pop Tarts, caramel Hershey's kisses, toast, and a masseuse for her clit.
1 can of Skoal
Palmolive dish soap
A pack of hyenas
The Jews can have her
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